queue waiting system

Virtual Queue System to make it efficient than traditional Queue Method

Students being occupied with their studies and class schedules often find it challenging to waste time waiting in a queue outside administrative offices, libraries, cafeterias, or fee departments. Our smart system provides students the versatility and comfort to obtain these services without any trouble. Qwaiting is a specially designed system for the educational sector that gives students and the staff the ability to manage all the activities smoothly.


How QueueAutomation Works?

  • Students can join the queue using their phones through QR scan.
  • A webpage will be generated highlighting all the required parameters(Name, Mobile Number). He/She need fill and submit it.
  • After that he/she will get redirected to new page where they can see their queue no. and students waiting ahead of them. Queue Status can be tracked on a real-time basis.
  • They will receive a reminder notification once they are next in line to be served.
  • Service is delivered safely and comfortably.
Features Highlights

How will QueueAutomation benefit the students and staff members?

Better administration
Reduce waiting time
Clear instructions
Social distancing Protocols will be implemented
Improve staff productivity & Performance
Improves Brand Perception

How It Works

step 1

Student will scan the QR Code and fill the Details .

step 2

He/She is able to track the exact number in the virtual Queue.

step 3

A notification alert will be sent to them when their turn is next. They will arrive right on time to be served